Disruptions to a schedule

Disruptions to a schedule

It happens to everyone. We get in a routine, we develop a pattern. We get comfortable.

And then something happens. Maybe it’s the road construction that requires an unfamiliar detour. Maybe it’s an unexpected illness in you or a loved one. It could be unbudgeted expenses, such as car repairs or a broken hot water heater.

Disruptions come in many varieties, but they all have the same immediate result: a change in our plans, in our way of thinking. I’m thinking of two disruption right now. One is minor and the other rather major. The minor disruption is working my clinical schedule into my daily meal plans. My clinical rotation results in me being out of the house from 10am to 9:30pm. And when I am in the clinical site, there are no guarantees of a times to eat. I eat when I have a moment and when my student’s needs, and their patient’s needs, are all met. That means I eat quick and simple food and at random times. I can work around it, but it requires some planning. It also generally does not allow me to make nice meals, worthy of photos on the blog. 

Fortunately, today’s breakfast is a nice one:

That is a mini whole wheat bagel (toasted with a tablespoon olive oil), with two fried eggs, fresh avocado, and some random berries.  Simple. Delicious. Fast. Healthy. So at least my breakfast is starting off right. Nutritional data (excluding the berries):
Calories: 487
Fat: 35.4g
Sat fat: 6.5g
Chol: 423mg
Sodium: 325mg
Carbs: 28.7g
Fiber: 7.6g
Protein: 18.9g

Obviously, you can reduce the calories by eliminating the olive oil, or using less avocado, or only one egg, or no bagel. But this is a well-balanced breakfast, with a lot of healthy fats (62.6% of the calories come from fat) as well as proteins and fiber. This breakfast will keep me fuller for longer.

The other disruption is something that I’ve discussed on LoseIt. I achieved my weight loss goal, and now I began to founder. The enthusiasm of “Wow, I’m losing weight” was replaced by “Huh. I’m done losing weight.” Intellectually, I knew that at the end of this goal, there would be a transition, but I never expected it to be so visceral. I accomplished a great goal. And it felt almost empty. Many of my LoseIt friends reminded me (but Tracy especially) reminded me that Olympians often experience depression after participating in the Olympics. After all the energy and focus, after their event is done, their raison d’etre (cool, I’ve never had the chance to use that phrase!) is gone.

I feel the same way, but thanks to everyone on LoseIt, I think this phase will pass quickly. And I already had other goals in mind (the Bellin 10K Run) but to be honest, that seems so far away that it isn’t real. I’m able to run/jog almost a half mile without stopping. I have about 16 weeks before the Bellin. If I increase my ability by only 0.4 miles per week, I will be at 6.5 miles of running capacity in time for the run. So now I have a new, immediate and attainable goal. I believe that with a goal like this, I will break out of this minor funk and get back in the groove.

By the way, if you need to search for the meaning of raison d’etre, there are other definitions beside “purpose, the reason for existing, the rationalization”.  It is the name of a Swedish band, and the name of many songs. And the link goes to a fantastic beer from Dogfish Head Brewing. That beer is not your average Miller or Bud! If you can find it, and if you like big, bold and robust foods/beverages, I encourage you to give it a try. In fact, I can recommend any Dogfish Head beer without reservation (other than the caloric content.) Sam Calagione and his brewers are fantastic. (No, I am not a shareholder in the company.)

1 thought on “Disruptions to a schedule

  1. Ah yes, that feeling anti-climax and depression is something I know well, and feel regularly! Every year in September/October I get viciously depressed post-tour: you literally go from being cheered by thousands of people to sitting alone in your apartment with nothing to do. It can be debilitating. This was probably the biggest contribution to my weight gain of ’09. What has definitely improved my outlook has been exercise and striving towards fitness goals that are unrelated to anything else in my life and creating new reasons to stay active. Treat it like retirement: you’ve retired, man! You can do anything you want now! πŸ˜€

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