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MYST 123: Alcohol and Weight Loss

Can you drink alcohol (beer, wine, liquor) and still lose weight? Yes. But it is alcohol makes it much more difficult, because alcohol changes the “calorie in/calorie out” equation.

How often do you do this?
How often do you do this?
Is this common during your meals?
Is this common during your meals?

Photos via Stocksnap by WilStewart3 (Drinking beer) and TimurSaglambilek (Wines)


Music composed and performed by Jason Shaw, courtesy of Audionautix.com

Voiceover courtesy of Matt Young. Matt is a professional voiceover artist. If you have any need of voice-over work, for your podcast, radio spot, or whatever, you can reach Matt by a variety of methods. He is on LinkedIn. On Twitter. And Google+. And you can read his really nice, contemplative blog. Matt was also my guest on MYST 54. Give his story a listen.