Do You Want to Eat Healthier, Gain Control and Maybe Even Lose Weight?

Such a simple thing: a bowl of fresh fruit

This bowl of fruit will help you eat healthier by making better choices. It will help you gain control over your eating habits and your life. And it will help you better manage your weight. It may help you lose weight.

It may help increase your happiness.

It sounds like it is magic, bit its not. But it is a sneaky trick.  Our brains our powerful and sometimes work against our best interests.

Next week, I will post a 5 part series here, beginning on Monday, October 27, 2014, giving you secret “tricks” that you can do anywhere: at home, the office, in a restaurant, in the grocery store.

These tricks are simple. And effective when used. And they cost almost nothing. Well, one trick will cost you about 50 cents a month. Maybe less.

But take note. With these five small changes, you will not be asked to:

  • Buy different food
  • Cook differently
  • Eat at strange restaurant
  • Stop eating at restaurants
  • Count calories (Yes. That’s right I said “NOT count calories!!!!”)
  • Weight and measure your food
  • Perform exhausting exercises
  • Attend meetings
  • Buy special “fat burning, metabolism-revving, appetite suppressing” pills
So what are the five secret tricks?
I’ll post them next week, one a day, beginning on Monday.
Yes. I know. This is an unsufferable tease. Do you really want to know what they are sooner? If so, you can listen to my podcast where I release all the goodies. 
Wow. Such a mean way to oncourage more people to listen to my podcast. (Guilty as charged.)
And after you listen, go to the homepage ( and click on the yellowish button that reads “Varsity Squad” and join the group of team mates who get the earliest scoop on new information.
Get ready for five simple changes that will change your life.