A Day of Food

A Day of Food

As the request of several Lose It friends (particularly Natalie!) here is a look at what I ate on Thursday, September 27. This was a busy day. I gave Ozzy a two mile walk in the early morning. Then I had office hours on campus in the morning and a three hour lecture in the afternoon. Then I drove home, quickly walked Ozzy for a mile, picked up Tammy at school and went to watch Ethan and the soccer team play out of town.

All that activity means that my only meal eaten at a calm pace was my “first” breakfast. Like Hobbits, I like approximately seven meals a day: breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner, and supper. Except I call mine: first breakfast, driving breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, evening meal, evening snack. It works for me.

I didn’t get all seven meals in on Thursday, but I did pretty good, and I ate almost all my calories.

Breakfast, at about 5:30am. My “Easy Breakfast” but instead of 1/4 cup of fruit, I added 1/4 cup crushed walnuts, 1 ounce dark chocolate and 2 tablespoons sweetened shredded coconut. Not a small breakfast at 563 calories, but it got my day off to a great tasting start. 

Second breakfast, or as I call it, “Driving Breakfast.”  At 10:00am, I drove to school and ate two mini whole wheat bagels, topped with 2 eggs, 1/2 a mashed avocado, and 2 tablespoons crunchy almond butter. I grilled the bagels in the pan after frying the eggs by dipping them in the olive oil,letting them absorb some and then frying the eggs in the rest. I used a full tablespoon olive oil.  787 calories.
While I was at home, between the first breakfast and the driving breakfast, I had a mug of coffee (22 ounce mug) flavored with 1 tablespoon blackstrap molasses and 4 tablespoons half-and-half.  150 calories.
Mid-afternoon snack, an ounce of salt-and-pepper cashews and an ounce of 70% cocoa dark chocolate. (This is the Aldi brand of chocolate and has become my favorite.)  315 calories, and sustained me as a facilitated a three hour lecture on Communication and Collaboration.
Dinner at the stadium.  Fresh veggies, a Pink Lady apple, four tablespoons homemade hummus (in the first picture) and a sandwich thin, four ounces of pulled pork and one tablespoon KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce.  521 calories.
After returning home from the soccer match, I needed a snack with calories but not a lot of bulk.
I went with two ounces of dry roasted, unsalted almonds and another ounce of 70% cocoa dark chocolate. (I buy all my nuts and chocolates from Aldi.) And yes, I eat 2-3 ounces of dark chocolate on most days, along with 1-3 ounces of various nuts. That is how I am able to keep my fat intake as high as 50% of my daily calories. 515 calories.
Thursday’s total intake was about 2800 calories, and I was still 189 short (based on the step count recorded by my Fitbit.) Contrary to comments that I have read on my LoseIt home page, I don’t eat “gourmet” foods. I just eat good food.
The total nutrition numbers for the day:
Fat:         178.6g   56%
Sat fat:      43.5g
Chol:         761mg
Sodium:   1497mg
Carbs:     199.5g   28%
Fiber:        48.6g
Protein:   120.1g   17%
This was a school day, and a busy one at that, when you add in the soccer match in the evening. Next I will also post what I ate on Sunday, when I was able to stay at home and relax. (And do school work.)

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